Your Stay

You’ll find us in the charming, historic, Victorian Villa just east of Pella, Iowa. Our accommodations have been designed to provide a sense of peace and calm while you and your spouse focus on your marriage.

Two pairs of hands embracing

Your Schedule

Every moment is designed to bring unity and love to your marriage.

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Assorted snacks and refreshments during orientation, then we finish the day exploring the ‘Root Cause’ of marriage difficulty.

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Day two focuses on conflict and forgiveness. Between sessions and meals the day offers time for counseling and reflection.

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On day three we develop a road map to make your marriage everything it was meant to be. Along the way we explore tools that help shape healthy communication.

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On day four we share sessions on healthy habits and communication goals. These help you build a plan for success at home.

Our trained facilitators named Cary and Wanda

Your Hosts

Our team has one focus while you stay with us: To mirror Christ in service and in love so you can focus on your marriage.

We don’t take this role lightly. From your first contact, we begin praying for your marriage. We believe your best is ahead!

The Best Decision You’ll Ever Make

If you’ve made it this far, you must be pretty serious about making your marriage work. Let’s get started—we’re cheering you on!